Nikki Haley News, Namrata Nikki Randhawa Haley

Posted on Monday, May 24, 2010 by ---- | 0 comments

Nikki Haley News, Namrata Nikki Randhawa Haley

Namrata "Nikki" Haley (née Randhawa, born 1972) is an elected official from South Carolina currently serving in the South Carolina House of Representatives where she represents Lexington County. Haley is currently running for the Republican nomination in the South Carolina gubernatorial election, 2010 and has been endorsed by former Governor and GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney, South Carolina First Lady Jenny Sanford, and former Governor and Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin. Per May 2010 Rasmussen Polling, Haley is the front-runner for the GOP nomination.

Palin and Romney endorse Indian American woman for governor

WASHINGTON: Giving a major boost to the candidacy of Indian American Nikki Haley for the Governorship of South Carolina State, top Republican leaders including Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney have endorsed her campaign.

The impact of her endorsement coming from top two Republican leaders were evident as the latest opinion poll released yesterday showed Haley way ahead of her closest rival.

While Palin was the Vice Presidential candidate for the Republican Party, Romney is considered to be one of the leading Republican Party presidential aspirant for the 2012 Presidential elections.

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Republican Primary voters shows Haley earning 30 per cent support, followed by State Attorney General Henry McMaster who picks up 19 per cent, Congressman Gresham Barrett with 17 per cent and Lieutenant Governor Andre Bauer 12 per cent of the vote.

The new findings mark a dramatic turn of events for Haley who ran fourth in March with just 12 per cent support, McMaster earned 21 per cent of the vote at that time, Bauer at 17 per cent and Barrett at 14 per cent.

Daughter of a Punjabi Sikh immigrant from Amritsar, Namrata "Nikki" Randhawa Haley, is considered by the Indian Americans another Bobby Jindal in the making. If elected in the election, later this year, Haley would be only the second Indian American Governor after Jindal; and the first Indian American woman to become the Governor for an American State.

"I know, I am going to make this happen. I am going to win the race," Haley had told PTI in an interview at the Capitol Hill, a few months after she announced her decision to enter the race, despite several odds against her.

Nikki, 37, is currently a member of the South Carolina House of Representatives. "She has a proven conservative record of fighting wasteful spending and advocating for smaller, more efficient government. I'm honoured to call her my friend and prouder still to endorse her campaign for governor," Romney said endorsing her campaign.

Earlier endorsing Halley for governor of South Carolina, Palin said, "Nikki is a strong pro-life, pro-Second Amendment fiscal conservative who served with distinction as a state lawmaker, a reformer who fought her own party to protect the interests of the taxpayer, a proud daughter of immigrants who worked night and day to achieve the American dream, a wife of an officer in the Army National Guard, a board member at her family's Methodist church, and - most proudly the loving mother of two beautiful kids."

Haley said, "It is a tremendous honour to receive Governor Palin's endorsement. Palin has energised the conservative movement like few others in our generation. She has helped millions of Americans find the power of their voice. I am extremely proud that she has offered her support to my candidacy."


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