Lebron james mom delonte west slept with Delonte West

Posted on Friday, May 21, 2010 by ---- | 0 comments

Weeks ago has been spreading thought different media that NBA Lebron James’ mother Gloria James slept with Delonte West, one of his team mates.The hoax, however, is growing and feeds the harshness with which fans are paying LeBron their excesses.

After this roumor was published in the media many were offended, and the player’s lawyer stepped in to deny it. The problem with James is not the story of his mother is true or not, but it seems that many people is willing to believe it.

Things seemed to calm down, until Basketball Hall of Fame member Calvin Murphy, the legendary player for the Houston Rockets said on ESPN Radio that the story is “absolutely true.” There is no reason to believe that the rumor is true, Murphy is not a very reliable type, he was accused by his ex-wife of abusing their daughters, but was acquitted, and has 14 children from nine different women.

“It ain’t no rumor. Unfortunately my sources in the NBA tell me that it’s absolutely true. My sources…and they’re legit tell me that the only people who didn’t know what was happening were Lebron and me…I could not imagine me being in that situation and him still being on my team because one of us is going to be dead and the other one’s going to be in jail. No question about it…they was doing the horizontal poky,” said Murphy.

Lebron has become an unpleasant person especially his attitude on the track. The rumors affected badly his performance in the Eastern Conference semifinals.


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