Orange and T-Mobile Together, Everything, Everywhere

Posted on Tuesday, May 11, 2010 by ---- | 0 comments

Both the Orange and T-Mobile brands will be retained in the UK, their parent company has said.

France Telecom and Deutsche Telekom merged their UK businesses last year - leading to speculation that the T-Mobile brand would be phased out.

But the boss of the enlarged business said both brands had "personalities" they wanted to keep.

The merged firm has more than 30 million mobile and broadband customers and a 37% market share in the UK.

Orange and T-Mobile have rejected both T-Orange and L'Mobile for their new, combined branding.

Instead the new group will be known as "Everything, Everywhere". There's no website yet, but marketeers for the new group said the groundbreaking new brand was "a shared platform of strength, with each brand owning clear emotional territory in terms of propositions, marketing and brand identity."

The first benefit customers will notice will come later this year when they will be able to roam on each other's networks at no extra cost. The group is also trumpeting the breadth of its high street network, which will span 700 stores, serving its 30 million customers. For now anyway.

The combined workforce of the new company will be 16,552, with just under 5,000 of those coming from T-Mobile.

However, while customers will see no branding changes, the parent company of the two operations is to be known as Everything, Everywhere.

"Together, we are Britain's biggest communications company," Mr Alexander said.

The merger is expected to lead to cost savings of about £3.5bn, including sharing mobile phone masts. There will also be back-office job cuts.


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