How To Get Pregnant

Posted on Wednesday, May 19, 2010 by ---- | 0 comments

How To Get Pregnant

Most couples believe that when the time comes to have children, getting pregnant will be a snap. The sad truth is that it doesn't always work that way. Infertility is generally diagnosed after a couple has been trying to get pregnant for at least a year. At that time, most doctors will begin a series of tests and treatment to try to help the couple achieve their goal of a healthy baby.

Unfortunately, those medical procedures do not always work. They can also be painful, embarrassing and expensive since insurance doesn't always cover the cost. In some cases, they can raise the risk of some types of cancer or birth defects in the children that are conceived. Have you have survived the medical process and are still wondering, how can I get pregnant?

The first step towards conception is ovulation. Ovulation is the release of the egg by the ovaries on receiving signals from the hormones in your pituitary gland. The timing of ovulation varies in different women, but generally it occurs close to the 14th day of the menstrual cycle.

This is the best time to have regular sex so that the egg that moves from the ovaries to the fallopian tube unites with the sperm for conception. The egg can survive only for 24 hours to unite with the sperm. The life span of the sperm after ejaculation depends on the environment. Sperm ejaculated into the women's vagina can survive in the cervical mucous and fertilize the egg in three to five days. Sperm ejaculated outside the body can survive only for a few hours.

If the egg does not fertilize you will have periods as usual. If fertilization occurs the fertilized egg will attach itself to the uterine lining in a couple of day's time. Regular periods will stop at this point of time because you are pregnant.

The period when ovulation occurs is your most fertile period and this phase holds the maximum chances of conception. However determining when ovulation occurs can be a pretty daunting task.

If you have a regular 28 day cycle you are most fertile around the 14th day after the day the last period began as this is the time ovulation happens. If you have long cycles determine the number of days in your shortest cycle and minus 18 from it. The most fertile phase is the week next to these many days ahead of the day on which your next period starts. You can track the fertility period on an ordinary calendar. However the counting of days may be complicated for women with irregular menstrual cycles. Moreover ovulation periods may be affected by exercise, stress and ailments.

Avoid Fertility Treatments and Surgeries like the Plague

If you are currently having difficulties getting pregnant, you may believe that you have to resort to expensive and painful medical procedures, such as IVF and IUI. But these types of treatments often do more harm than good, and can lead to some very serious consequences for your child, including increased risk of premature birth and 9 times the risk of developing cerebral palsy. This is why natural methods of getting pregnant are always the safest route, because it increases the chances of your baby being a healthy and vibrant child.

Eat the Best Foods for Fertility and Avoid Foods That Lead to Infertility

As mentioned previously, infertility is a sure-shot sign that there is something wrong on the inside. And of course one of the best means of keeping your internal system in order and more conducive to getting pregnant, is by being selective about what you eat and don't eat. There are many foods that will assist you in your efforts to become pregnant, such as whole grain breads, beans, and full-fat dairy products. There are also foods and beverages that can decrease your chances of conceiving significantly, in some cases as much as 50%.

Stop using methods of birth control

Stop using all methods of birth control. If you are using contraceptive pills then stop them immediately in order to allow your body to conceive. Seems obvious, but some forms of birth control have more lasting effects than others. It is recommended that you continue taking the pills to the end of your current cycle before stopping the pills, and then start trying the next month. If you use condoms, a cervical cap, or a diaphragm, all you need to do is put them away.

Use of ovulation screening kits

Ovulation testing kits are available for purchase over the counter without any prescriptions. They help to test your urine for the increased presence of hormones prior to ovulation. It is important to follow kit usage instruction carefully for precise and reliable results. Ovulation kits not only point out the time when you are most fertile but they also alert you before the ovulation actually occurs. The flip side of Ovulation kits is that they are pretty expensive. You may have to shell even 50 dollars for each test. Use of these kits also creates the proclivity towards performance of sex at targeted precise times which can often go off beam by being too late.

Faster ways towards conception

To get pregnant you need to have sex almost two or three times each week. This will help fertilization to occur at some time or the other. There is no such thing as too much sex especially for couples in the pink of health. In fact having sex each day during the period when ovulation is most likely increases possibility of pregnancy. Healthy men will not face too much reduction in sperm quality each time they have sex. Frequent unprotected sex will lead to conception within a year in healthy couples.

Folic acid

Take folic acid. Your body needs it to produce red blood cells, as well as norepinephrine and seratonin (chemical components of the nervous system). Folic acid is also one of the few nutrients known to prevent neural tube birth defects, such as spina bifida. These defects can occur in the foetus even before the mother knows she is pregnant.

Loose pants and underwear

Your man needs to take care too. It is advisable that he wears loose pants and underwear because according to studies sperm count drops--sometimes drastically--when the testicles are constricted or overheated. Tell your partner to avoid hot tubs, saunas, and hundred-mile runs (hot showers and moderate exercise are okay).


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