Heal Your Headaches Naturally, Hypothyroidism

Posted on Wednesday, May 5, 2010 by ---- | 0 comments


Do you suffer from fatigue, have difficulty losing weight, or have you even been fully diagnosed with hypothyroidism? Looking for a safe, effective, and natural solution? Read on for more information!

Dr. Scott Isaacs, a naturopathic doctor and chiropractor in Arvada, Colorado, is currently seeing success with patients suffering from hypothyroidism. Patients are experiencing drastic improvements in health in the span of a few months, including decreased fatigue, clearer skin, fewer headaches, and better ability to concentrate.

Dr. Isaacs is able to bring patients back to health with two practices. First, he lays the foundation for health by recommending free or inexpensive home treatments and lifestyle modifications. These treatments and modifications can often, purely by themselves, bring about drastic improvements in a patient's overall health. Second, he identifies specific organs or organ systems that may be the root cause of a person's illness. Dr. Isaacs then uses a therapy called biotherapeutic drainage to help those areas of the body heal.

Biotherapeutic drainage is a treatment based on combination low-dose homeopathic remedies. It was developed in Europe in the 1930s by medical doctors trying to treat tuberculosis. But it has since been used successfully to treat many types of disease. Biotherapeutic drainage (or simply drainage) can be considered a type of detoxification. However, unlike many detoxification treatments nowadays, which detoxify the body as a whole, drainage can pinpoint exact areas of the body and detoxify them. When this is done, the organs are no longer held back from proper function by these toxins, and they heal naturally.
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Heal Your Headaches Naturally

One in six Americans experience chronic headaches. Headaches are especially common at this time of year when allergies wreak havoc on your sinuses. Luckily, Chinese medicine has an arsenal of natural remedies to help soothe your aching head.

Your body is trying to tell you something

According to Chinese medicine, pain is your body's signal that there is a blockage of energy and blood. Your body is asking you to notice, evaluate, and change the behavior that caused the pain in the first place. For example, a headache may be pointing to improper diet. It is best to treat pain using natural methods, so you can avoid side effects and also become more aware of your body's unique needs.

What is happening when you get a headache? In a migraine, blood vessels contract, causing pressure, inflammation, and a throbbing, pounding pain. Tension headaches are often the result of muscle tightness and spasm in the neck, upper back and shoulder areas pulling on the scalp. Most headaches, whether migraine or tension, are most commonly triggered by sinus problems, muscle tension, eye strain, jaw clenching, a virus, stress, hormonal imbalance, lack of sleep, or allergies. Read More ...


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