Google Admob Acquisition

Posted on Friday, May 21, 2010 by ---- | 0 comments

On November 9, 2009 Google announced an agreement to acquire AdMob, a mobile display ad technology provider, for $750 million. This acquisition will enhance Google's existing expertise and technology in mobile advertising, while also giving advertisers and publishers more choice in this growing new area.

The deal will bring new innovation and competition to mobile advertising, and will lead to more effective tools for creating, serving, and analyzing emerging mobile ads formats.

This deal will benefit developers, publishers, and advertisers by improving the performance of mobile advertising, and will provide users with more free or low-cost mobile apps.

The deal is similar to mobile advertising acquisitions that AOL, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Apple have made in the past two years, and experts have called mobile advertising a "very fragmented" space, in which "no ad network is dominant" and "no one really knows what ad network is biggest."

Mobile advertising is a rapidly growing and competitive space, and Google and AdMob are currently specializing in different areas. Though Google offers many forms of mobile advertising, its focus to date has been on mobile search ads, while AdMob's focus has been mobile display ads and in-application ads.

FTC Approves Google-AdMob Deal

The Federal Trade Commission on Friday closed its investigation of Google's AdMob acquisition, concluding that the deal is unlikely to harm competition in the mobile advertising space – thanks in part to Apple's recent purchase of Quattro Wireless.
The agency conceded that the Google-AdMob tie-up does raise "serious antitrust issues" on its own. But Apple's January purchase of the Quattro Wireless mobile ad network and the launch of its iAd network, as well as other companies' efforts to develop or acquire smartphone platforms to compete against the iPhone and Android operating systems will provide Google with a "strong incentive to facilitate competition among mobile advertising networks," the FTC said.
"As a result of Apple's entry (into the market), AdMob's success to date on the iPhone platform is unlikely to be an accurate predictor of AdMob's competitive significance going forward, whether AdMob is owned by Google or not," the commission said.
Google announced plans to acquire AdMob in November, and the FTC opened its investigation in December. Sen. Herb Kohl, chairman of the antitrust subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary committee, recently said the deal requires "close scrutiny."
The FTC pledged to continue monitoring the mobile ad space to ensure that antitrust issues do not crop up.
Susan Wojcicki, vice president of product management at Google, said the FTC's stamp of approval is "great news for the mobile advertising ecosystem as a whole."
"As mobile phone usage increases, growth in mobile advertising is only going to accelerate. This benefits mobile developers and publishers who will get better advertising solutions, marketers who will find new ways to reach consumers, and users who will get better ads and more free content," she said.
Going forward, Google and AdMob will now move to close the acquisition in the coming weeks, Wojcicki said, before bringing the two companies' teams and products together.


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