Apple Gianduia, Substitute of Adobe Flash and Microsoft Silverlight

Posted on Monday, May 10, 2010 by ---- | 0 comments
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Apple Gianduia, Substitute of Adobe Flash and Microsoft Silverlight

The war of words between Apple and Adobe over the former's resolve to never to let Flash on its devices has taken a new turn now. Apple is all set to launch Gianduia, which is a substitute for Adobe Flash and Microsoft Silverlight platforms, on its mobile devices. Apple had stated earlier that it would rather go for HTML5, JavaScript and CSS. Apple unveiled Gianduia at World of WebObjects Developer Conference, describing it as a client-side, standards-based framework for Rich Internet Apps to create quality online apps for its retail users.

Apple has clearly said that it would never use Flash in its devices, opting to support HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS. None of the Apple's mobile devices, the latest iPad, or any other Apple device use Flash. In fact, Apple CEO Steve Jobs had called Flash "a closed system" in an open letter and said "we strongly believe that all standards pertaining to the Web should be open."

"We know from painful experience that letting a third-party layer of software come between the platform and the developer ultimately results in substandard apps, and hinders the enhancement and progress of the platform," Jobs added in his letter.

Meanwhile, Adobe had responded strongly to Apple's snub by complaining to U.S. authorities about Apple's behavior. In its complaint, Adobe argued that Apple's stand might disturb competition in the market. It is likely that the Federal Trade Commission or the Department of Justice may launch a probe to look into Adobe's complain.


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